Sudo with no password promt on Linux
4 квітня 2013 р.

sudo no password

I am tired to type each time password when I type sudo command. And you? It is possible to use sudo with no password in Ubuntu and any other Linux systems. So, do you want to use sudo without password prompt?

Development linux sudo

How to play Doom 3 on Linux
3 квітня 2013 р.

Doom 3 on Linux

Do you want to play Doom 3 on Linux? It's possible!

linux doom 3

OSS Proxy Daemon. Linux userland OSS sound device
2 квітня 2013 р.

OSS Proxy Daemon is a Linux userland OSS sound device (e.g. /dev/dsp, /dev/mixer) that supports forwarding OSS sound streams to PulseAudio and ALSA.


How to install Prey on Linux
7 березня 2013 р.

linux game

Monitor Dell S2340L vs Dell U2312HM
4 березня 2013 р.

I have recently bought a Dell S2340L. Prior to this i have used Dell U2312HM at work.

Hardware dell monitor

How to get title from an audio stream with Python
25 грудня 2012 р.

How to get the name of a song from an audio stream?

Development python audio stream

Daily Backups from Amazon EC2
24 листопада 2012 р.

Amazon EC2 Backups

Task: to create daily backups from Amazon EC2 Instance (backup MySQL database, content related to site) and copy this backup to another PC. It is possible to do with bash scripts.

Development amazon backup administration

Emulation of mouse movements and keystrokes
16 вересня 2012 р.

How can i emulate keyboard and mouse activity on the system? How to automate it?

Development linux bash automation

Automatic migrations in Yii after git pull
1 серпня 2012 р.

Git Hooks in Yii

I have been using Git and Yii Framework for a long time. I develop projects mostly in a team. So I have to use the migrations (changes in the database's structure). I am interested in how I can automate the usage of automatic migrations.

Development yii git git hooks

Redis vs Memcache vs Memcached
18 липня 2012 р.

Redis vs Memcached

I decided to test the performance of two popular cache servers. This is Redis and Memcached. I used phpredis, Memcache and Memcached.

Development redis memcached memcache cache benchmark