Automatic migrations in Yii after git pull
August 1, 2012
I have been using Git and Yii Framework for a long time. I develop projects mostly in a team. So I have to use the migrations (changes in the database's structure). I am interested in how I can automate the usage of automatic migrations.
Development yii git git hooks
Redis vs Memcache vs Memcached
July 18, 2012
I decided to test the performance of two popular cache servers. This is Redis and Memcached. I used phpredis, Memcache and Memcached.
Development redis memcached memcache cache benchmark
Microseconds in Yii Framework application.log
July 9, 2012
How can you add microseconds to application.log file (standard log in Yii Framework)?
Development php yii yii framework
Geo databases
July 2, 2012
Sometimes tasks related to geographical locations appear in development process. It can be development of LBS, construction of the drop-down list with a countries and cities, detecting location by ip, etc.. For this purpose it is necessary to have geo database.
Development geo maxmind geonames geolocation geoip database mysql
How to install Redis and Redis php client (Updated: Feb 23, 2018)
June 10, 2012
Redis — cache-storage for data that is stored in RAM. In this case you will get very fast data access. It is similar to memcache but Redis has vast opportunities of data storage.
Development redis cache php highload