PHP inside Docker Environment
26 вересня 2023 р.

PHP inside Docker Environment

Development docker php

A way to get Daily PostgreSQL Backups from Docker Swarm
15 травня 2021 р.

PostgreSQL Backups

How to make backups from PostgreSQL running in Docker Swarm?

Development backup postgresql database

How to install Go on Ubuntu
6 грудня 2017 р.


Development go ubuntu

How to install Windows IoT on Raspberry Pi 2 from Linux
30 січня 2016 р.

Raspberry PI 2 Windows IoT

Windows IoT Core works on Raspberry Pi.

Development raspberry

How to install Ubuntu 14.04 on Raspberry Pi 2
22 січня 2016 р.

Raspberry PI 2 Ubuntu

Technical description about RASPBERRY PI 2 MODEL B here

Development raspberry ubuntu

How to delete all files from Amazon S3 bucket
9 листопада 2013 р.

Unfortunately there is no way to remove all files from bucket in Amazon AWS console. But how to remove all files from Amazon S3 bucket? I did that with an s3cmd tool and a small bash script.

Development amazon s3 administration

Sudo with no password promt on Linux
4 квітня 2013 р.

sudo no password

I am tired to type each time password when I type sudo command. And you? It is possible to use sudo with no password in Ubuntu and any other Linux systems. So, do you want to use sudo without password prompt?

Development linux sudo

How to get title from an audio stream with Python
25 грудня 2012 р.

How to get the name of a song from an audio stream?

Development python audio stream

Daily Backups from Amazon EC2
24 листопада 2012 р.

Amazon EC2 Backups

Task: to create daily backups from Amazon EC2 Instance (backup MySQL database, content related to site) and copy this backup to another PC. It is possible to do with bash scripts.

Development amazon backup administration

Emulation of mouse movements and keystrokes
16 вересня 2012 р.

How can i emulate keyboard and mouse activity on the system? How to automate it?

Development linux bash automation