How to install Windows IoT on Raspberry Pi 2 from Linux
January 30, 2016 • 1 minute read

Raspberry PI 2 Windows IoT

Windows IoT Core works on Raspberry Pi.

Prepare Micro SD card

Follow instruction how to prepare and erase micro SD card from

Download and prepare Windows IoT Core image

Install 7z archive tool

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

Go to Download Windows 10 IoT Core page and download image for Raspberry Pi 2

cd /tmp
wget -O iot_core_rpi.iso

Unarchive iot_core_rpi.iso

7z x iot_core_rpi.iso
7z x Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2.msi

Download ffu to img converter and convert image

python File_WindowsIoTRpi2Flash.ffu win10_iot_core_rpi2.img

Install Windows IoT Core

Put image to micro SD card. Where /dev/sdb your sd card

sudo dd if=win10_iot_core_rpi2.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
Last update May 9, 2021
Development raspberry
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